Attorney Elliot Kay Appears on ABC7 to Discuss Client's NYPD Lawsuit

Attorney Elliot Kay Appears on ABC7 to Discuss Client's NYPD Lawsuit

Attorney Elliot Kay recently appeared on ABC7 Eyewitness News to discuss a civil rights suit he's filed against the NYPD on behalf of his client, Francisco Caminero. Caminero was arrested by the NYPD at last year's Dominican Day Parade. While he is seen cooperating on a recently obtained cell phone video, Caminero suffers blows to the face, numerous baton strikes, and was rendered immobile on the pavement by several officers as beatings continued.

"It doesn't appear, I believe, looking at the video that he's resisting in any way," Attorney Kay told reporters. "He's lying on the ground and being beaten from all angles."

Caminero, who was initially approached by officers for a suspected drug sale, also recalls trying to cooperate: "I put my hands up, they were searching me. When he said 'give me your ID,' my ID is in my pocket, so I went to give him my ID. I didn't even get my hands inside my pocket, and he just slammed me in the gate."

Even more revealing is that Caminero was never charged for a crime in the incident, including resisting arrest. Attorney Kay and Caminero have responded with filing a civil rights suit against the department for false arrest and failure to properly train and supervise officers.

A Sensitive Law Enforcement Issue

Caminero's case comes at a time in which police response to unarmed, minority suspects has fallen under great national scrutiny. In cases such as Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, and others, there is growing concern among lawmakers, activists, and the public alike on whether or not dramatic changes in law enforcement protocol is needed. Attorney Kay believes that Mr. Caminero's arrest is just the latest case in the troubling trend of excessive police force.

"There was no reason for this situation to escalate," Kay told ABC7. "They should have attempted to diffuse the situation rather than escalate it."

If you have been accused of a crime and want to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the judicial process, contact The Law Offices of Elliot S. Kay today. Our dedicated and knowledgeable Bronx criminal defense attorney can aggressively counter the state's case against you and ensure that a reduction or dismissal is diligently pursued on your behalf.

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